Looking to sell?

All owners who have their properties for sale would like to see it gone as soon as possible. Not all times are good for estate trade, and even when there are many properties out there for sale and the market is very dynamic, you will have to find a way to make your own property stand out of the crowd and look tempting for potential buyers.

If you need to get rid of your property and/or get a grasp on some pounds with great urgency, these investors can be the perfect solution for your needs. However, remember that when you sell your house to them you will get half its market value or even less. If you’d rather wait a few weeks than loose that much money, then you should go for a conventional house sale.

Get active

Selling a house as fast as possible can rarely be achieved if you simply leave it in the hands of a state agent. Your agent will do his or her job, but you can help push the sale forwards by taking a few measures by yourself.

There are plenty of tricks that take little to no money or effort and will raise your property’s chances to be sold. You have to know what to do and not to do, and a good start is to check these 10 tips to sell your home fast. By taking some simple steps to help secure a fast sale, you will have one or more people willing to purchase your property at market value – or even higher, if you play well and get lucky – in a reasonable time.

If you want to know more about other tips on selling your house fast as well as get great deals when buying, click here for About Home Buying, a very useful blog with lists on this matter and many more.

10 tips for selling your house faster

We’ve collected some of the best advice for selling your house quickly. Enjoy!


Arrange the front The first impression always counts, and estate sales are no exception. Make the potential customers feel good in your property even before they get to the front door. Mow the lawn, place flowers, and change the mailbox if it’s old.


Clean and clear  Your property must look tidy and nice. Clean the windows to increase luminosity. Wipe out stains and dust. Take away all unnecesary items, so the rooms will look better and more ample.


Take personal items away  Personal photos, religious items and political signs will discourage potential buyers. They must picture the place as theirs, not yours.


Paint walls and furniture  Add a new layer of colour if the old one is worn out, peeled or dark. Remember that light colours make rooms look wider. Painting the ceiling in white is a great option, too. Also, paint furniture if needed, or dye the woods; everything must match in every room.


Place mirrors if needed  Mirrors add the sensation of space in small rooms. Place one or two in strategic places. If you already have mirrors, make sure that the frames are in perfect condition, and clean them before the potential buyer arrives.


Get rid of pets  Neither your pets nor their items should be visible when you show the house. They could bother the clients or make the house look less appealing. Hide the cat’s litter, the dog’s food and all cages.


Be available   Few potential customers will insist in seeing your property, unless they are really interested. In order to catch those who aren’t very convinced from the beginning, be available on all hours and all days of the week, and with little notice required.


Stage rooms  Rooms must look tempting to potential buyers, who need to be able to see themselves inhabiting them. Stage all rooms so their function is clearly defined. If you have a room with no clear identity, make one up – maybe a studio or a playroom.


Improve the floors  Get rid of old carpets and damaged floors. Replace old wood with new one and paint it or varnish it so it looks brand new. Shiny floors will improve the aspect of any room.


Get rid of bad smell  One of the worst experiences that a potential buyer can have is to walk inside a house and perceive a bad smell. Ventilate your home and use some air freshener to make visitors feel better inside of it.

For helpful tips when selling your property, click here.